Formulas With Category: Warm the Middle and Dispel Cold

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Licorice and Ginger Decoction gan cao gan jiang tang Warm the Middle and Dispel Cold
Major Construct the Middle Decoction da jian zhong tang Warm the Middle and Dispel Cold
Regulate the Middle Pill li zhong wan Warm the Middle and Dispel Cold
Fresh Ginger and Licorice Decoction sheng jiang gan cao tang Warm the Middle and Dispel Cold
Evodia Decoction wu zhu yu tang Warm the Middle and Dispel Cold
Immature Bitter Orange Pill to Regulate the Middle fu zi li zhong wan Warm the Middle and Dispel Cold
Cinnamon Twig and Ginseng Decoction gui zhi ren shen tang Warm the Middle and Dispel Cold
Clove and Evodia Decoction to Regulate the Middle ding yu li zhong tang Warm the Middle and Dispel Cold
Cinnamon and Prepared Aconite Decoction to Regulate the Middle gui fu li zong tang Warm the Middle and Dispel Cold
Regulate the Middle and Transform Phlegm Pill li zhong hua tan wan Warm the Middle and Dispel Cold
Minon Construct and Middle Decoction xiao jian zhong tang Warm the Middle and Dispel Cold
Tangkuei Decoction to Construct the Middle dang gui jian zhong tang Warm the Middle and Dispel Cold
Astralagus Decoction to Construct the Middle huang qi jian zhing tang Warm the Middle and Dispel Cold