ju pi zhu ru tang

All Formula Names Tangerine Peel and Bamboo Shavings Decoction from Formulas to Aid the Living, ju pi zhu ru tang
Formula Ingredients
Name Value Percentage
chi fu ling 30 g 14.29%
chen pi 30 14.29%
pi pa ye 30 14.29%
mai men dong 30 14.29%
zhu ru 30 14.29%
ban xia 30 14.29%
ren shen 15 7.14%
zhi gan cao 15 7.14%
Default Category Direct Rebellious Qi Downward
Toxic No
External Use No
Aristolochic Acid No
Contains Gluten No
Caution with Pregnancy No
All Categories
  1. Direct Rebellious Qi Downward
Allergy Considerations Toxic