Formulas With Category: Dry Dampness and Expel Phlegm

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English Pinyin Chinese Category
Two-cured Decoction er chen tang Dry Dampness and Expel Phlegm
Six Gentleman of Metal and Water Decoction jin shui liu jun jian Dry Dampness and Expel Phlegm
Six-Serenity Decoction liu an jian Dry Dampness and Expel Phlegm
Augmented Two-Cured Decoction jiao wei er chen tang Dry Dampness and Expel Phlegm
Cyperus and Inula Decoction xiang fun xuan fu hua tang Dry Dampness and Expel Phlegm
Clear Dampness and Transform Phlegm Decoction qing shi hua tan tang Dry Dampness and Expel Phlegm